Saturday, October 5, 2013

Technology and Music

Over the last twenty years, with technology advancing and becoming more readily accessible to the general public, it has become much easier for music educators or music enthusiasts to view concerts or listen to multiple genres of music. With the addition of smartphones in our daily lives we can now YouTube any symphony that we desire and listen for hours on end. This is especially helpful in the realm of teaching as well. Music educators can now very easily assign listenings to his or her students and can expect that the homework will be done effectively due to smartphones being prevalent in their students’ lives. With the internet at a student’s fingertips he or she can easily look up music they need to perform or even look up genres of music that are foreign to them. A well rounded musician knows the ins and outs of most genres of music and can define them, with the use of the internet in your hands, a student can learn more quickly than ever before.
Smartphones are not the only technology that is assisting the music field. Recording software is a huge technological advancement that allows music to be captured and recorded for future purposes. Whether you want to record your schools Step Team in action, your garage bands new song, the London Symphony, or yourself messing around on a piano, recordings are the most important tool a musician can have. Constantly recording your playing will allow you to reflect on the goods and bads. You can make modifications to your playing due to what you hear to get the best overall result. This is also important in a school setting. If you are directing a concert band and you need show the trumpet section that they are too loud and need to play softer, but they refuse to believe they are playing too loudly, you can record that particular section of the song and play it back to them. In order to better yourself as a musician and to train your ear, constantly making recordings is vitally important.  
In the field of Music, in any setting, (i.e., rock band, concert band, professional orchestra, solo, and even dance) technology over the past twenty years has greatly impacted the way we listen, play, and communicate our sounds to others. Now we can watch a live performance of that rock show you couldn’t go see, fall asleep to the recorded sounds of nature, or even show a friend that song you’ve been working on for a while and ask for help. Recording music, discovering music, and creating music are all much simpler now because of the technology that exists today. I’m very eager to know how technology will assist musicians in the upcoming years, but only time will tell.


  1. I love the idea of using recording technology for self reflection. It makes all the sense in the world. It's funny how on or off you may think you are when performing a piece of music only to find out you were the opposite when you listen back to the recording. It's an interesting concept, a musician can perceive a performance while performing it, but then when he/she reflects on the recording, so much that seems obvious now didn't in the moment. The idea of recording for self reflection is probably one of the best things technology has done for a musicians. It is a great tool we can use to grow our musicianship

  2. I agree with Miguel it is so important that students are able to hear how they sound. Having the ability to record and go back to listen makes students aware of not only how they sound but also how they have improved and will continue to improve. Recording is such a greta piece of technology. It is like video taping a rehearsal for a dancer!

  3. I think it is really interesting you wrote about how accessible music is, because it really is true. It is so nice to be able to go on your phone and YouTube any song you want, and to be able to listen to music from years ago in less than a minute. It is also nice that you can download music in minutes and have it forever. I also think it was interesting you wrote about recording music and how technology has helped that become much easier and more efficient. These are definitely things you can teach in your future classroom
