Thursday, December 12, 2013

OnMusic Series

OnMusic Series

I found a wonderful website entitled (TI:ME - Technology for Music Education)... specifically for integrating technology into a music classroom! I was really excited because I work at a non-profit organization for jazz-education and was hoping to see if I could find some fresh ideas for working with the students there.
It seemed to have chapters that you can become a part of, much like our regular NAFME (national association for music educators) and ASTA (American String Teachers Association).  However, the website itself wasn't as fruitful as I had hoped. I searched through the website itself and found mostly nothing...except this, in it's partners list was this link:
This website was another story! It's a bunch of online text books that have assignments and information that is content-specific, and you can teach through your computer. It has a bunch of textbooks that are specific to online teaching and technology. The great thing about these books and programs is that once you purchase them, you keep using them.. So the school district really would just pay once, and there it is! You've got yourself a new way of integrating technology into a classroom setting with music! It teaches music history, comprehension, composition, theory, appreciation, and even- get this- it has one on HOW to teach music!

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is great fro public school educators, i mean for any educator really but especially public school educators. Thank you for sharing this resource I will further look at all the lesson plans and musical subjects that the website delves into.
